A Life in the Theatre by David Mamet


The author’s second play. Now considered a modern classic. One of the landmarks of modern American drama and literature. Published in a small and limited print run. David Mamet is the heir of Arthur Miller as the spokesman in the theatre for the common man, ekeing out a precarious living and trying to live a life of dignity and pride in the face of often overwhelming odds. He exposes the lie to the so-called American Dream with power and conviction. If that sounds portentous, one must also be reminded that Mamet is one of our funniest writers without meaning to be funny, in the way entertainers are.

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SKU P000068

A paperback edition with illustrated cover. There is some foxing and toning throughout but the text is clear and legible. There is some rubbing to the edges of the book and some chipping to the spine. There is a previous sellers paper label on the inside front page.

Publisher: Grove Press, New York.

Publication Date: 1978.

For further details please email info@gertrudeandalice.com.au

Additional Information
Weight 0.170 kg