Castrated- My Eight Months in Prison by Ralph Ginzberg


Playboy was a three-year-old upstart when rival publisher Arnold Gingrich, impressed with his An Unhurried View of Erotica (1958), hired Ginzburg (1929-2006) as an editor at Esquire. “Playboy was a peanut whistle at that time, but it was a comer,” recalled Ginzburg, “and they figured that the best way to get rid of the problem was to cut the sex out of Esquire, which, in effect, was self-castration. So that was the end of sex in Esquire; they just gace the field up to Playboy.” Eighteen months later, Ginzburg was fired. He moved on to Eros, a high-priced magazine of classy erotica. Only four issues were published before he was indicted on charges of violating federal obscenity laws. Ginzburg was found guilty and sentenced to five years in prison (he was released after eight months). A number of First Amendment advocates protested the conviction, including Hefner: “The sustaining of Mr. Ginzburg’s conviction by the Supreme Court is an anachronism and a true tragic abrogation of First Amendment freedoms. The true ‘victim’ in Mr. Ginzburg’s case is, unfortunately, the Bill of Rights itself.”

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SKU E000125

A hard cover copy with dark grey cloth boards, white lettering and clipped, illustrated dust cover. There is a small indent to the bottom edges of the cover. There is a piece missing from the bottom edge of the dust cover and some wear and tearing along the edges both top nad bottom. There is some toning throughout but this does not affect the text. Now in a clear, removable cover to protect from damage.

WARNING: may contain material that cause offense to some readers 18t.

Publisher: Avant-Garde Books, New York.

Publication Date: 1973.

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Weight 0.280 kg