Scrambled Eggs Super! by Dr Seuss (Discountinued)


Starring the same perky boy who captured Thing One and Thing Two in The Cat in the Hat, this is a first-person tall tale about cooking. Peter T. Hooper is bored to bits by his mother’s habit of always making scrambled eggs out of hen’s eggs. “And so,” he informs his friend Liz, “I decided that, just for a change, I’d scramble a new kind of egg on the range.” We’re off on an epic journey to parts (and birds) unknown, all told in classic head-over-heels Seussian style: “Then I went for some Ziffs. They’re exactly like Zuffs. But the Ziffs live on cliffs and the Zuffs live on bluffs.” Finally, after capturing a small mountain of different types of egg–from Moth-Watching Sneths, Long-Legger Kwongs, and others–it’s back to the kitchen for a 99-pan scramble, with all sorts of bizarre ingredients added just for fun. To be precise, it’s time for “Scrambled eggs Super-Dee-Dooper-Dee-Booper, Special deluxe a-la-Peter T. Hooper.” Somehow, you get the impression that Liz doesn’t believe a word of it.

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SKU CH000073

A softcover edition with illustrated front and back cover. Numerous colour sketches throughout. There. is a very slight scuff on the top right-hand corner of the front cover.

On March 2, 2021, Dr Seuss Enterprises, the owner of the rights to Seuss’s works, announced that Scrambled Eggs Super! and five other books would no longer be published because they “portray people in ways that are hurtful and wrong. The possible scene perceived as “hurtful” is a two-page illustration of five persons in a boat from a fictional location (named “Fa-Zoal”) near the North Pole wearing hooded fur parkas (i.e., the moustached white assistants seen elsewhere in the book in cold-weather gear), as these persons endeavoured to collect eggs from fantastical birds called “Grice” which “lay eggs on the ice”. 

Publisher: HarperCollins Children’s Books, London.

Publication Date: 2017.

Additional Information
Weight 0.190 kg