Unconditional Surrender by Evelyn Waugh


By 1941, after serving in North Africa and Crete, Guy Crouchback has lost his Halberdier idealism. A desk job in London gives him the chance of reconciliation with his former wife. Then, in Yugoslavia, as a liaison officer with the partisans, Crouch becomes finally and fully aware of the futility of a war he once saw in terms of honour.

Unconditional Surrender is the third novel in Waugh’s brilliant Sword of Honour trilogy recording the tumultuous wartime adventures of Guy Crouchback, which also comprises Men at Arms and Officers and Gentlemen.

Like the other novels in the series it loosely parallels Waugh’s own wartime experiences, but the title UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER is as much a reference to the characters’ tangled personal lives as it is to the Allied demand made in the same period as which this novel is set.

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SKU F000089

A hard cover edition with blue boards, gilt lettering and clipped dust jacket. There is some foxing and toning but the text is clear and legible. There  is a previous owners blue ink inscription on the inside front page.

Publisher: Chapman and Hall, London.

Publication Date; 1961.

For more details please email info@gertrudeandalice.com.au

Additional Information
Weight 0.410 kg