Walking through Le Corbusier by Jose Baltanas


Le Corbusier (1887-1965) is an icon of twentieth-century architecture, his status a reflection of his capacity to endow architecture with an expression that evokes the spirit of his epoch.

This book features some of Le Corbusier’s most important European buildings, complemented by others that are less well known. The photographs, taken sequentially by the author, provide a narrative description of each building and are supported by literary and graphic data that provide a single conceptual and visual argument.

Each “walking through” is accompanied by an introduction that brings together the architect’s main ideas about the building; at least one floor plan, which pinpoints the position from which the photograph has been taken; phrases by Le Corbusier relating directly to what is shown in the image; drawings by the architect of certain details; and images from other Le Corbusier buildings that enlarge on the discussion or elucidate a point.

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SKU A000070

A hardcover edition with illustrated cover and over 300 mostly colour illustrations and black and white diagrams throughout. The book is in a rectangular format. 22cm x 28cm. 192 pages

Publisher: Thames & Hudson, London 2005.

Translated from the Spanish by Mathew Clark.

For further details please email info@gertrudeandalice.com.au

Additional Information
Weight 1.400 kg