William Blake – Essays in Honour of Sir Geoffrey Keynes


Edited by Moron D. Paley and Michael Phillips

These essays, gathered as a Festschrift in honour of one of the great scholars of our time, view Blake’s works from a variety of perspectives. The breadth of subject-matter is considerable, ranging from Blakes’s earliest to his latest poems and designs, and including considerations of his iconography, his intellectual milieu, His poetic diction, his religious conceptions and his critical reputation, as well as detailed interpretations of his particular works. Each essay is a distinctively new contribution to the study of its subject. The book is profusely illustrated.


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SKU GA000250

Hardcover. Condition: Near Fine. Dust Jacket Condition: Near Fine. Frontis Portrait of Sir Geoffrey Keynes; 82 b&w illustrations, (illustrator). 1st. First Edition, First Printing; dj clipped price, in mylar; 390 clean, unmarked pages contains literary essays on William Black about/by: I. Blake’s Early Poetry by Michael Phillips; II. Blade’s ‘Gothicised Imagination’ and the History of England by David Bindman; III. The Altering Eye: Blake’s Vision in the Tiriel Designs by Robert N. Essick; IV. Justifying One’s Valuation of Blake by F. R. Leavis; V. Blake’s Frame of Language by Josephine Miles; VI. Blake’s Songs of Sprong by Michael J. Tolley; VII. Christ’s Body by Jean H. Hagstrum; VIII. The Chapel of Gold by G. Wilson Knight; IX. Reading the Illuminations of Blake’s Marriage of Heaven and Hell by David V. Erdman with Tom Dargan and Marlene Deverell- Van Meter; X. Blake’s Figures of Despair: Man in his Spectre’s Power by Janet Warner; XI. the Title-page of the Book of Urizen by Morris Eaves; XII. Blake, Coleridge, and Wordsworth: Some Cross-currents and Parallels, 1789-1805 by John Beer; XIII. William Blake, The Prince of the Hebrews, and The Woman Clothed with the Sun by Morton D. Paley; XIV. Blake, the Varleys, and the Graphic Telescope by Martin Butlin; XV. References to Blake in Samuel Palmer’s Letters by Raymond Lister; XVI. William Blake in the Wilderness: A Closer Look at his Reputation, 1827-1863 by Suzanne R. Hoover; XVII. Geoffrey Keynes’s Work on Blake: Fons et Origo, and a Checklist of Writings on Blake by Geoffrey Keynes, 1910-1972 by G. E. Bentley, Jr.

Some minor nicks to DJ. Otherwise excellent.

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Weight 1.425 kg